From 2025 also in your region

Ballschule+ powered by Ballschule Heidelberg


A child's world is a world of movement - and movement is the key to healthy, holistic development. With this conviction, the Ballschule+ powered by Ballschule Heidelberg is taking on an important challenge in the new federal states from January 2025: to support the settings of the living environments with "More movement for more children" and to inspire a healthy lifestyle with play, fun and joy.

Why exercise? - Why now?




The world in which our children live has changed dramatically in recent years. Digital media, limited free space and an increasingly sedentary everyday life limit the natural stimuli for movement. At the same time, stress and pressure to perform are already increasing at a young age. These influencing factors make it all the more important to create targeted exercise opportunities and promote physical activity.

Only through regular physical activity can children fully exploit their natural development potential. Exercise offers a balance to everyday life, strengthens health and lays the foundation for an active and self-determined life.

The figure shows the concrete positive effects that promoting physical activity can have.






Practical and flexible: "From nurseries to elementary school and clubs - the Ball School fits into any environment and offers tailor-made solutions for every region.


A future location is more than just a place to exercise: it is a place of community, health and innovation. Our ball school locations strengthen living environments, connect daycare centers, schools and clubs and make exercise and sport part of everyday life.


Every region, whether large cities or rural areas, can benefit in many ways from the Ball School's learning and exercise programs.

Become a cooperation partner -

Children's living environment setting


Vision 2030: 10,000 (movement) places of the future


Our vision: movement in every place and for every child - as part of every child's development!


By 2030, we want to create 10,000 new future and movement/ball school locations in the federal states listed. Our vision is that no child should be left without exercise opportunities. Our focus is also on rural areas, where we want to establish 5,000 of these ball school locations.


Shaping the future: The potential of the federal states in figures

The federal states have enormous potential to sustainably promote physical activity, health and community. Figures, data and facts on daycare centers, elementary school, sports clubs and the number of children in the individual age groups make it clear why future-oriented and physical activity locations are an indispensable building block for the development of the living space and the promotion of the next generation. Let's seize the opportunity to take active action and strengthen the regions!


Here are the relevant figures that illustrate where and whom the future and exercise locations can help in the long term and are indispensable for a healthy and sustainable future.



With their numerous daycare centers, schools and sports clubs, the new federal states offer enormous potential for getting children interested in exercise at an early age. The Ballschule+ promotes physical and mental development through play - a valuable investment in health and strengthening the region, which benefits in the long term from an active and committed young generation.

Let's seize the opportunity together to take active action and strengthen the regions in the long term!

The importance of a partnership for each region

Holistic support

Benefit from a worldwide unique, scientifically based and tried-and-tested concept that optimally supports children in their motor, social and emotional development.

Quality assurance

By training certified ball school trainers directly in the living environments, the high quality of the learning and exercise programs is guaranteed.

Create synergies

A partnership strengthens cooperation within the team, between educational institutions, associations and local stakeholders, which promotes the region in the long term.

Equal opportunities

Give all children - regardless of their living environment - access to targeted and age-appropriate support programs for a healthy and successful upbringing.

In addition, the Ballschule+ powered by Ballschule Heidelberg offers numerous other advantages for living environments, regions, federal states and, above all, for the children, which cannot be listed here in full due to the diversity and individuality, but which can be discussed in a needs-oriented manner.


Together for an active future - more exercise for more children!

A partnership with Ballschule+ powered by Ballschule Heidelberg is a must for every region - regardless of whether it's a big city or a rural area. Together, we make movement an experience for children everywhere and thus sustainably strengthen the settings of the living environments.


Would you like to become part of the network? We are looking for committed partners to support us in implementing Vision 2030 - from local authorities to educational institutions and sports clubs. 


Contact us and find out how you can establish the sustainable learning and exercise programs of Ballschule+ powered by Ballschule Heidelberg in your region in the setting of your living environment. With play, fun and joy - more movement for more children!


Do you have any questions? Do you want to become a partner?

Contact us now